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sitting beneath the mothering tree

|| to be read slowly, and with deep breaths as they feel right ||

there is a state of bliss i experience right as a season is about to end

as i detach from it,

as i witness what it held for me,

as i know that what it brought to me was every lesson, person, loss, and moment

i could need

i am enveloped in gratitude, swallowed up by the lightness,

the perfection of all i have known


i prepare my being to let it all go

i ground my mind in what is true

that every season is blissful from this far out

as i prepare my being to let it all go

and know

that the pain of where i am headed is perfection too,

that all i need is to breathe my being into the next moment

her grounded radiance, her courage carries the seed

i am uprooted, with trust that the soil i am planted in next

contains the nutrients, hurdles, and conditions

for these roots to grow beyond their current form

to plummet, connect, surrender, receive ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ

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